June 13, 2007

thought for the day

We do not remember days, we remember moments. The richness of life lies in memories we have forgotten - Cesare Pavese

June 08, 2007

from an axed mind

though words are always in the context of how we perceive them and the situation they represent; though i have never believed in the literal and obvious meaning of certain words, but a lack of spirit to explain any other way, i am choosing to write using the usually deciphered meaning of these words.

like 'goodness' - what does one do with the goodness in one's self in a world which seems crumbling. of course live and let live, but what happens when dirt and shit is thrown at you by the scheming horrid people? give it back, nah, that never helps really. avoid it? build a wall around yourself?

like 'heart' - what do you do when you are all heart. now the heart here doesn't mean mush. it means heart in the spirited way. when no matter what negativity hits, you do not find yourself becoming bitter, not beyond a few hours. no matter how hard you deny and no matter all the cynicism, you just can feel it. feel that you're all heart... somehow still you are

like 'hope' - i am totally quiet on this one here.

like 'reality' - why doesn't the world embrace it? why do they all keep running and escaping and leave all the webs everywhere. for others to stumble upon..

like 'decency' - where has it disappeared? OK its not there in the actions, or the meaning. but at least somewhere in the heart, in a fleeting glimpse? No, its just nowhere to be found..

like 'believability' - where do i even begin on this one..

June 06, 2007


''There's always room in life for this''

(from Moby's - Extreme ways)

February 22, 2007

thought for the day

''The secret to enjoying your job is to have a hobby that's even worse''

- Calvin&Hobbes

February 05, 2007

year 2006 was the year when i discovered television and spent considerable time watching it

for the record

January 02, 2007

another new blog

for the scribbles and doodles i do while taking a break at work and maybe a few words..


December 26, 2006